About Us
This site supports the
Linux Astro Channel on YouTube.
It is the repository for additional content beyond the scope of the YouTube presentations.
Linux Astro is a channel dedicated to the use of Linux software and tools for astronomy, astrophotography
and general computer-aided telescope operations. It features "HOW TO" videos, live streams of astrophotography
sessions and other operational and "how-to" videos that generally relate to the topic.
The linuxastro.com Home Page is a simple menu for navigation to the LinuxAstro YouTube Channel, the About Us (this) Page,
the Articles Page and the Gallery Page. The Articles Page is for informational articles, text scripts from videos and other news
and iformation pertaining to the Linux Astro YouTube Channel. The Gallery Page is for images and image data from live stream
telescope sessions, general observations and other applicable media.
This site is operated by M I Service, Inc., the principle of which is a long-time Linux/Unix user and systems
programmer. Interest in computer-aided astronomy and the recent new advances in hardware and software for both hobby
and professional astronomers led to the creation of the Linux Astro YouTube Channel and this website to help support
Linux-based software and equipment.
The best means of contact for either the Linux Astro YouTube Channel or https://linuxastro.com is via Comments and Contact
information which may be found on the Linux Astro YouTube channel.